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(a) a non- political organization divinely commissioned by God for the purpose of safety and overall welfare of its members;

(b) an umbrella of unity, peace, harmony and prosperity within and without the federation; and

(c)  An advocate of freedom, empowerment, awareness, exposure and an unlimited success among others.




1.The ASSOCIATION was given birth on the 12th day of November 2008, with the mission to preach safety, total freedom or emancipation of transporters (DELIVERY VEHICLES OWNERS AND OPERATORS) from illegal and multiplication of taxation.


2. To set a pace for others to emulate in the transport sector of the Economy in Nigeria.


3. To encourage  elites and all who are willing to invest in delivery transportation business.


4. To create job opportunities for our teaming youths and engage them in daily transport businesses inorder to avert restiveness and other social vices. 

About: Welcome



Since our existence in 2008, we have become masters of our craft. Our commitment to quality, exceptional, incomparable care and services keep our members testifying about us.

We never stop improving, and will continue to expand our services based on how we can best serve our members. Get in touch with us today to learn how DELVANNIGERIA can help you.




Delvan is a vision of a young and progressive transporter who have been suffering severely from the hands of road tout and miscreant because of illegal taxation and also humiliated and embarrassed in the hand of revenue collectors, because of multiplication of taxation from one local government to another, and from one state to another in Nigeria.

Delvan actually was born as a CHILD OF NECESSITY on the 12th day of Nov 2008, when the founder Comrade SABBASTINE RAPHAEL started gathering OWNERS & DRIVERS OF DELIVERY VEHICLES together to chart the way out of these menace.

It is disheartening that a lot of associations have come and gone without solving the aforementioned problems for a safe and smooth delivery operation or services in Nigeria.

It also unfortunate that the engagement of contractors and consultants in this regards have been yielded little or no fruit, rather, every day cases keep on remaining the same or sometimes worst  than before as time goes by, and nobody is ready to speak for us.

Penultimately, it is worrisome that these road tout and miscreants who have no delivery vehicle(s), has chosen collection of illegal taxation sometimes under duress as a lucrative business, thereby deriving pleasure and making so much wealth from it, and they are ready to make sure life is unbearable for transporters who are not willing to cooperate   with their illegal activities .

Finally, it is  base on the aforementioned  premises that brought about the gathering of OWNERS AND DRIVERS OF DELIVERY VEHICLES to chart the way forward and daily agitations for freedom or emancipation of transporters from multiple and illegal taxation on Nigeria roads.

A motion was eventually moved by OWNERS AND DRIVERS OF DELIVERY VEHICLES after a lot  of sensitization and consultation on the 12th day of October, 2011 as follows:


WHEREAS DELIVERY VEHICLE OWNERS AND DRIVERS IN NIGERIA in compliance with peaceful administration through the National Board of Trustees and National Advisory Council conducted election and appointment to the Offices of the National President, State Chairmen, Deputy State Chairmen, State Executive Council, Directors of General/National Administration, Local Government Co-ordinators, Assistants and Local Government Officers of the ASSOCIATION;


AND WHEREAS the ASSOCIATION in furtherance of its commitment to a peaceful administration on 12th October, 2011, inaugurated on the 6th April, 2010 the Constitutional Drafting and Debate Co-ordinating Committee charged with responsibility to, among other things pilot the drafting and debate on a sustainable constitution for the ASSOCIATION, co-ordinate and collate views and recommendations canvassed by individuals and groups;

AND WHEREAS the Constitutional Drafting and Debate Co-ordinating Committee benefitted from the receipt of large memoranda from members of the ASSOCIATION across the States in the Federation, and oral presentations at the public hearings at the debate centres throughout the six Goe-political Zones and States in the Federation and the conclusion arrived thereat and also at various Seminars, Workshops and Conferences organized and was convinced that the general consensus of opinion of members of the ASSOCIATION is the desire to have a sustainable Constitution;

AND WHEREAS the Constitution Drafting and Debate Co-ordinating Committee has presented the report of its deliberations to the National Board of Trustees and Members in a well organized General Meetings of the ASSOCIATION;

AND WHEREAS the National Board of Trustees and Members has approved the report subject to such corrections as are deem necessary in the interest and for the purpose of promoting the welfare and good governance and fostering the unity and progress of the members of the ASSOCIATION with a view of achieving its objective of presenting an enduring Constitution to the members of the ASSOCIATION;

AND WHEREAS it is necessary after corrections and approval by the National Board of Trustees and Members of the ASSOCIATION in a well organized General Meetings to be promulgated into a sustainable Constitution for the ASSOCIATION in order to give the same force of law with effect from 12th October, 2011;

About: About


+234703 051 5019 +2347083332757 +2347057050964


No. 8 Okposhi street, Okpudo Layout, p.o box 188, Odiabidi town, Rivers State, Nigeria 500102

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